Leather handbags are one of the best ways to show women’s gorgeousness. Women will never miss the opportunity to buy a new handbag. They want a new one each season and will spend lots of money on purchasing them.

There are many brands which are manufacturing and selling high-quality leather handbags. Some of the best leather handbag brands in India are Gucci, Versace, Fendi, Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade, Dior, Valo Bleue, Dolce & Gabbana and Louis Vuitton. Among these brands, Coach, Louis Vuitton are the most popular brands. All these brands have a great collection of handbags. They also have a great variety of handbags in all price ranges. These brands have a great name in the fashion industry. They are also offering a large collection of handbags at reasonable prices. Therefore, it is easy for women to buy a handbag.

Although some may think they’re purchasing it because they believe it will somehow make them more stylish, in reality, most don’t give much thought when buying these types of fashion items and simply go for brands because others buy from that particular brand too – never minding whether it complements their ensemble or not. To help you out we’ve got something in store for you:


List of 10 Best Leather Handbag Brands in India in 2022


The handbags made by Wildcraft are stylish, functional and reasonably priced. You can pick from different styles and colours, with some of the best-looking bags being their vegan leather Longchamp handbags. The main advantages of this brand are the quality that comes with a price range that doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket. You can have a look at their online store or buy at one of their stores if they have one near you.

Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger is a premium fashion and lifestyle brand globally. It is known for its top-quality cloth used in the manufacture of beautiful and trendy apparel. Among men’s clothing, Tommy Hilfiger shirts are classy, flattering, comfortable and easy to maintain!


Mango (pronounced as MañgO) is a Spanish fashion brand that has set its sights on the Indian consumer. Besides its fashionable clothes, the brand is known for its stunning collection of handbags and other accessories. Once you start to use Mango’s products, you’ll want them all! This fabulous company has more than 2,000 stores in over 100 countries.


Valo Bleue, a home grown brand inspired by the beautiful language of Bengal (sweet and loving) and fused with the start of the leather production which is the Blue leather (the beginning of an idea that is going to take physical shape)

Valo Bleue is a very new brand, started in 2020 and to cater to the youth and young professionals, presenting a unique design of leather goods in unique leathers. They sourced Leather from Italy, France, Germany and so on. There products are 100% handmade..


Available in thousands of styles and colours. Lavie bags are designed and made from high-quality leather, and available in tens of thousands of different designs, so everyone can find their favourite. The leather is of high-quality to protect the bag for longer, and the bags are designed in a way that makes them easy to carry. Lavie has a team of passionate professionals who follow the latest trends and design the bags accordingly.


Find The Right Bag That Suit Your Needs: With the wide range of bags that Caprese has on offer, all you have to do is pick what you like best! There is absolutely no dearth when it comes to the variety of bags. Choose from the countless options available and make yourself the talk of the town!


Attractive Design and Comfort of Usage: Over the years, Guess has made an attempt to create an appealing collection for women by introducing high-quality leather handbags. It brings forth a number of designs meant for different occasions so as to ensure that you carry it for any place and for any occasion.

Flying Berry

Luxury Handbags made accessible to the Brand conscious Indian Woman. The Indian woman is smart, sophisticated, and always on the move. In today’s day and age, she needs to carry her essentials with her, but also be dressed for the occasion. That is why Flying Berry is here – to help the Indian woman maintain her sophisticated aura while staying within her comfort zone.

Michael Kors

Best Luxury Handbags for Women: Michael Kors is the premier destination for luxury handbags. Whether you are looking for a stylish work tote or a sophisticated evening clutch, their selection of handbags will keep you stylish and chic. Check out their latest handbag collection and start shopping now!

Da Milano

Provides you with the most luxurious products: The Da Milanos Leather Goods is another reason why Da Milano is one of the top brands in our list. You can find laptop bags, travel bags, wallets, mobile covers, and many other accessories in this category. The company makes sure that when you are investing in its products, you invest in the luxurious life. Within a very short time, the brand has proved itself to be promising in the leather industry.

Note that: One of the biggest challenges of going shopping is having a hard time picking the right outfit to wear. An outfit that’s thoughtfully chosen, reflects your personality and gives you self-confidence. Choosing a handbag isn’t any different! It needs to be just as unique and reflective of who you are as an individual, just like what kind of clothes you put together. Being indecisive can often lead people to choose designer bags which they end up regretting later on.

How to choose the best handbag?

It is always said that the right handbag can make the perfect addition to your outfit. Some of them are good looking and stylish, while some of them are cheap, affordable and very easy on your pockets.

To look gorgeous, you should opt for the latter ones. You can choose the best handbag by considering the following factors:

  1.  The top-handle or the shoulder strap: Handbags come in different options. You can carry it with a top handle or as a cross-body bag.  The cross-body bag will be a perfect option for you if you want to carry your handbag all the time.
  2.  The material: There are different varieties of handbags available. You can opt for leather handbags, while you can select the great quality polyester or nylon ones as well.
  3.  The colours: You can go for the bright colours and pastel shades, but you can also select the neutral ones. It will be a wise decision to choose a neutral colour so that you can wear it with anything.

We hope you have enjoyed our blog on the best handbag brands in India. With so many brands in the market, it can be challenging to pick out the best one. From different styles and designs to various material types and styles. It can be quite confusing to choose the best handbag brand. This blog post is designed to help you find the best handbag that meets your style and budget. We hope you find this blog post useful. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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